Thursday, July 26, 2012

Libera Is In Jersey, Channel Islands!

Great news! Libera's Summer Tour is here! Kavana tweeted yesterday that they were already leaving for the Channel Islands, so they should be there by now! This gives them some nice holiday time there before the first concert. :)

Sam Coates also posted a picture of the Jersey 1 pound note! Cool!

And even more great news! Libera will be singing in the 9:30 am service at St. Thomas' Church in St. Helier, Jersey. Those lucky enough to go to the concerts can hear them in church also! Thanks to Jimmy Riddle for the info!

St. Thomas' Church in St. Helier, Jersey


Now I'm wondering where they'll be for church the next Sunday, August 5th! Someplace in Guernsey? ;D

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