Saturday, April 21, 2012

Libera Albums Top Sellers in Japan!

UPDATED April 21, 2012

Libera has updated their web site to say,

"We are delighted that our albums are doing so well in Japan. Our music currently occupies 3 of the top 4 positions in the Japan Billboard Classical Album chart. We have also charted at number 31 in the top 40 of the overal Album Chart. Thank you to all our Japanese supporters."

This is amazing! Congratulations, Libera! 

April 14, 2012
Libera happily posted on their web site,

"Thanks to all our Japanese supporters we are delighted to report that our music currently occupy the top 4 spots at Amazon Japan. Thank you."

Brilliant news! Congratulations to Libera and their Japanese fans! :D

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lauren it's coachdave. I just wanted share something I put together from The Libera Nation. --There is nothing in the world so much like Prayer as LIBERA music is. They are
    "GOD's Prayer Messengers". Music is forever, LIBERA is forever; music should grow and mature with you as we do with the boys, following you right on up until you die. Intellegat anima, quae est oratio verbis, quae animum vertere non possunt. GOD Bless all who are inspired by the melodies.
    Through their beautiful music, it is the will of GOD for LIBERA to inspire and foster PEACE and LOVE among all peoples of the world. The music of LIBERA is, indeed, the voice of GOD singing His heart of LOVE and PEACE to all of us. He has definitely captured our attention! I will forever be thankful to Him for His warmth and affection He gives us through the beautiful voices of all the boys of LIBERA, and through Robert Prizeman. GOD's voice of music through LIBERA will forever be in our hearts!
    There's a choir singing in your head. It is the song of angels. Don't strain to hear the song of angels, listen to the melody within your soul. It is...LIBERA. When GOD Describe Music . . . he says "LIBERA"!
    LIBERA will never fade for me. They will be my favorite forever. They lighten up my world everytime I listen to their music; others just don't know the feeling of LIBERA music. LIBERA is my inspiration, comfort and excitment at the same time. Great music will always bring out every emotion in us, good or bad; in the end..we feel alive! Some find PEACE in Solitude, "Far Away" from the noise.....One with the sound that strikes a chord in our hearts. You'll "Never Be Alone", that is our story.....most LIBERA brothers and sisters will agree...! LIBERA melodies are sacred and sings only for you....keep it close to your chest......and may it bring out a song in you as well. LIBERA is a Nutron Star Collision of Harmonies and LiL Prodigies...I Love ALL of you..Thank you so much for being sooo kind and for Loving our LIBERA. Individually we are just a whisper, but when we come together.. we sing the melodies that is a LIBERA Symphony. Although we are all individuals, we sing as one. We are the LIBERA NATION!
    This is what LIBERA and our LIBERA NATION is all about. Thank you everyone for letting me share your thoughts. It means the world to me and one day,I promise, our boys will see this.

    -quotes taken from The Libera Nation.
    So like I said, this is mostly my thoughts but also from members of the Libera Nation which is our fb page/fansite. My way of saying Thank You guys for this site and all you do for the boys..and for loving Libera :-) I hope to be a "Superfan" like you two one day!
